2015年8月 7日(金)

TAKE YOUR OWN PHOTOS at the "Dinh Q. Lê: Memory for Tomorrow" exhibition!

At the "Dinh Q. Lê: Memory for Tomorrow" exhibition, taking photos of all artworks is specially permitted.

Thanks to the cooperation of the artist, visitors could take photos at the exhibition, under the license of Creative Commons.

Dinh Q. Lê Erasure
This photograph is licensed under "Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works 2.1 Japan."

Take one-and-only photo of the unforgettable artworks for remembering the exhibition by.
You could even post your photos on your social media accounts as long as you follow the basic rules.
Please read the guidelines on the Mori Art Museum's website carefully upon posting.

In addition, at the "MAM Collection 002: Existence and Space - Suh Do Ho + Po Po" exhibition, taking photos of all artworks is also specially permitted. With the big window of the space, it gives out completely different impression of the scene between day and night!
Please read the guidelines on the Mori Art Museum's website carefully upon posting.

Suh Do Ho Cause & Effect
This photograph is licensed under "Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works 2.1 Japan."

When uploading your photos on twitter and Instagram, don't forget to use hashtags!
#moriartmuseum #MAM #DQL

■Relevant Information

Dinh Q. Lê: Memory for Tomorrow

MAM Collection 002 : Existence and Space - Suh Do Ho + Po Po
