“Catastrophe and the Power of Art” Work #6: Katerina Seda It doesn’t matter
2018.12.4 [Tue]
Born 1977 in Brno, Czech Republic, and currently based in Brno and Prague.
It doesn’t matter
This is a record of a project that the artist carried out with her grandmother, who had lost her interest in life after her husband died and she retired. Seda realized that her grandmother, who had worked for a hardware shop as a merchandise manager for over 30 years, had vividly memorized the goods in the shop. She then suggested her grandmother to draw the items in the shop one by one in paper, together with their names and sizes. The total number of drawings came to over 500 and, the artist says, led to her grandmother taking an interest in the world once again.

It doesn’t matter (detail)
Digital print on wall paper
Installation view: “Catastrophe and the Power of Art,” Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 2018
Photo: Kioku Keizo

It doesn’t matter (detail)
Digital print on wall paper
Installation view: “Catastrophe and the Power of Art,” Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 2018
Photo: Kioku Keizo