Yamauchi Shota’s newly commissioned work for this exhibition, The Planet of Faces, generated a total of 27,854 faces with viewers’ participation via the venue and the website, making it a very significant attempt to connect the real and virtual. As part of the generation that has grown up after 1995 when the internet became widespread, Yamauchi has been using myriad means to illuminate the relationship between self and world, and rifts between the world he perceives and its reality. The publication includes installation views, an essay introducing his past works written by the exhibition’s curator, another by Kuraya Mika, and an artist talk, as well as biography and bibliography. This long-awaited book is Yamauchi’s first publication to introduce his wide-ranging activities to date comprehensively.
“Thoughts About Earth Provoked by The Planet of Faces” by Tsubaki Reiko (Curator, Mori Art Museum)
“Pygmalion’s Need to Touch: An Overview of Yamauchi Shota’s Works” Kuraya Mika
Artist Talk: Yamauchi Shota
Biography and Bibliography

Size: A4 (29.7 x 21 cm)
Number of Pages: 56
Languages: Japanese-English bilingual
Price: 1,100 yen (incl. tax)
Edited and Published by: Mori Art Museum
On Sale at: MORI ART MUSEUM SHOP 53 (53F, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower), MORI ART MUSEUM SHOP (3F, Roppongi Hills West Walk) and MORI ART MUSEUM ONLINE SHOP
Tel: +81-(0)3-6406-6118