Community Engagement Program: “Art Summer Camp 2018 for under 22”
* Booked Out
#1-#3 Conducted in Japanese
#4, #5 Japanese-English consecutive interpretation available
Over the years Mori Building and the Mori Art Museum have worked with artists from around the world to stage and run numerous events within the exhibitions or in the local community. This summer sees the launch of a new program titled “Art Summer Camp,” targeting youths aged fifteen to twenty-two, and giving them the opportunity to discuss “contemporary art” with artists, in a different environment to the usual school format of “teacher” and “taught.” By viewing works on display and sharing these works in their own words with others, participants will gain a greater understanding of what it means to share things, from what’s happening right now at home or school, to long-ago historical events, and social, political and cultural happenings in the wider world. Come along, spend time and converse with artists and curators in person, and discover just how exciting “contemporary art” can be!
- For
- Ages 15 to 22
- Notes
- ・This program is consisted of five separate sessions, but #1-3 can be attended individually.
・#4 and #5 should be considered as a set and both (and not either-or) must be attended.
・#2 can be attended by anybody (and not restricted by age).
Date & Time
- #1 Talk “Meet the Curator: What Is Contemporary Art?”
- 13:30-16:30, July 16 [Mon], 2018
Speaker: Kataoka Mami (Chief Curator, Mori Art Museum)
If you’ve ever wondered what exactly constitutes art, and the best way to look at contemporary art, now’s your chance to ask a curator in person. Introducing a range of contemporary artworks both past and present, Chief Curator Kataoka Mami will run a discussion covering these questions and more. - #2 “MAM Project 025: Apichatpong Weerasethakul + Hisakado Tsuyoshi”-Related Program
Talk Session: “How Is Art Made?” - 16:00-18:00, July 21 [Sat], 2018
Speakers: Hisakado Tsuyoshi (Artist), Fukushima Masato (Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,The University of Tokyo)
To coincide with the “MAM Project 025: Apichatpong Weerasethakul + Hisakado Tsuyoshi” exhibition we invite cultural anthropologist Fukushima Masato, author of the essay “Sick Bodies and the Political Body: The Political Theology of Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s Cemetery of Splendor,” and artist Hisakado Tsuyoshi to explore how contemporary art is produced. - #3 “MAM Project 025: Apichatpong Weerasethakul + Hisakado Tsuyoshi” -Related Program
“Meet the Artist: What Sort of People Are Artists?” - 10:30-13:00, July 22 [Sun], 2018
Appearing: Hisakado Tsuyoshi (Artist)
After viewing the “MAM Project 025: Apichatpong Weerasethakul + Hisakado Tsuyoshi” exhibition, participants will have the opportunity to speak directly to artist Hisakado Tsuyoshi about his experiences working with others to make art - what is interesting, what is difficult - and the kind of new possibilities revealed by collaboration. All participants in this session will have a chance to air their views, so come along and start perhaps by asking what is art, and what kind of people are artists? - #4 “MAM Project 025: Apichatpong Weerasethakul + Hisakado Tsuyoshi” -Related Program
Talk “Meet the Artist: What Is Art?” 10:30-13:0010:00-17:00, August 23 [Thu], 2018
Appearing: Apichatpong Weerasethakul (Artist)
In this session we welcome Thai film director and artist Apichatpong Weerasethakul, and with him experience a certain special ritual he always undertakes before embarking on his work. You may find that spending time with an artist, and speaking with them in person, leads you to look at things from a slightly different point of view...- #5 “MAM Project 025: Apichatpong Weerasethakul + Hisakado Tsuyoshi” -Related Program
“Meet the Artist: What’s Involved in Making a Work of Art?” - 13:00-21:00, August 29 [Wed], 2018
Appearing: Apichatpong Weerasethakul (Artist)
After experiencing in the fourth session how artists come up with an image of their work before embarking on it, participants will be asked to make a simple work of their own in time for the fifth session. Apichatpong will be invited back to study each work, and discuss directly with participants what makes a work of art.

Photo: Koroda Takeru
Notes on Bookings
- Please note that speakers are subject to change without prior notice.
- Please note that a reply E-mail will be sent to you after submitting the form. If you do not receive the reply E-mail, please contact us.
- For bookings, one E-mail address is required per person. Please use different E-mail address for different booking.
- All prices include tax.
Notes on Personal Information
- Personal information acquired and retained by Mori Art Museum on the website will be used and managed according to the privacy policy of our company.
- Booking forms use SSL encryption to protect your private information.
- Registrants will receive “MAM NEWS (Mori Art Museum Mail Magazines)” that deliver the latest news and information about the Mori Art Museum.